Thursday, May 22, 2008

Time for Positive Living

Attitudes are more important than facts
.- Karl Menninger, M.D.

Poor emotional health robs us of valuable time and prevents us from enjoying a balanced life.

The good news: our emotional health depends on our attitude. We can choose: To accept or refuse love; grow from or surrender to challenges; enjoy or complain about our work; modify our habits or let our habits mod¬ify us; cultivate tranquility or be overwhelmed by stress; seize opportunities or cower in a corner; enjoy being alive or dread waking up. Proper attitudes create a life worth living and make time worthwhile.

Our response to life's difficulties determines our happiness and health. Within us resides the gift to accept responsibility for our own bliss. We can shape adversity into an advantage. We can turn tragedy into hope. We can live the life we choose. The power to change gives us the opportunity for a blessed and balanced life.